How to do Edit Velocity in Alight Motion: Simple Guide 2024

If you are an editor and use Alight Motion, you also know that velocity editing is a cool feature in Alight Motion Mod APK that can help your videos be even more dynamic. Velocity editing allows you to speed up or slow down parts of your video timeline by adjusting and dragging any clips. In this article, we will guide you on how velocity works and give you the steps to use it in Alight Motion. After reading this informational article at the end, you’ll be a pro at velocity edits to take your content to the next level!

In the starting, when Velocity was newly introduced in the field of video editing, it was not available in many editing apps like Alight Motion MOD APK. Velocity editing was a new thing then and was still being improved. But it became really popular fast. After that, all the other editing apps started giving the feature of velocity editing, too.

Before giving the feature of Velocity, Alight Motion lost many users, but the editors know that all the features needed for professional editing will be available in Alight Motion. After the developers add the velocity in Alight Motion Mod Apk, it will become the most popular and one of the best apps for that type of video editing.

Velocity in Alight Motion Simple Guide 2024

Introduction of Velocity Editing?

When we talk about velocity editing, the first thing that comes to mind is that velocity is video speed. The changing speed of clips in video is velocity editing, but any video’s speed changes to its frame rate. Frame rate is measured in FPS, which stands for frames per second. Most movies, TV shows and online videos use 24 FPS. This makes the motion look smooth to our eyes.

You also see that in the news, shows and concerts use 30fps, which gives a smoother look. So, in summary, velocity editing lets you adjust your videos’ frame rate and speed.

Fundamental of FPS Value in Velocity Editing

FPS Value

If you want to use velocity editing seamlessly in your videos, you first need to understand the basics of FPS values. Frame rate is a popular discussion among video editors because it helps to make the most visually pleasing video. Some editors prefer higher FPS for the smoothness of the video, while others are fine with lower values.

But you’ll need to shoot at a higher frame rate if you want to mess around with speed – like creating slow motion. Capturing more frames per second gives you more flexibility during editing to speed things up or slow them down without making looking choppy. So, higher FPS is best if you think you want to adjust the speed later.

For example, you have two videos. The first was recorded at 30 FPS per second, and the second video at 90 FPS. When you slow down both videos, the 90 fps one will look smoother in slow motion compared to the 30 fps video. That’s because a higher frame rate provides higher frames that can be stretched over time to create slow motion. So, if you want your slowed-down videos to look their best, shoot at the highest frame rate possible.

How to do Velocity Editing in Alight Motion?

Velocity Editing

If you want to do seamless velocity editing in Alight Motion Mod APK, then follow the given steps:

  • First, launch the app and Start by creating your project in Alight Motion and adding whatever elements you want – keyframes, visual effects, fonts, etc. Make sure to organize everything into layers.
  • The second step is to adjust the speed of the video. You need to select the first layer you want to change. Near the bottom, you’ll see a graph option – tap that.
  • Four easing options exist: Linear, Easy In, Easy Out, and Easy In/ Out. I would like to explain what they do.
  • Linear moves at a constant speed.
  • Starts slowly and ends quickly.
  • It starts fast and ends slow.
  • Mixed speeds throughout.
  • Pick the one you want and set the speed. For each layer, repeat.
  • You should preview your video to check the editing. You are all set if it looks good. In the format you need, save your project.
  • Velocity editing has been added to enhance the visuals in your video. Nice work.

Advantages of Velocity Editing


Video editing allows you to change the speed of clips in the video. People often wonder how velocity editing is different. That’s a good question, as many don’t know its main purpose. Velocity editing lets you speed up or slow down specific video sections rather than the whole thing, by which you can make the video attractive and stunning. Normally, changing speed affects the entire video. But with velocity editing, you can slow down one part, and the other part of the video speeds up or is normal. This gives editors more control over the pace and flow of their videos.

Sometimes, the sound and video clips do not match each other, or their timeline is different. Then, at this point, you need to do velocity editing because it helps you fast and slows down the video clips, which matches both timelines.

For example, let’s say you have a 60-second video. You could speed up the first 20 seconds with velocity editing in Alight Motion. Then, you could slow down the last 20 seconds. This gives you much flexibility to experiment and make cool edits by changing the speed. Velocity editing is a fun tool with which to get creative!

Final Words

Today, in this article, we will learn how to do velocity editing in Alight Motion and how it is useful. So those slow-motion videos you see on the internet and other social media platforms that speed up and slow down – that’s called velocity editing. It’s a pretty neat trick to make videos more engaging. I compiled this quick guide to show you how to do it yourself in Alight Motion.

All you need to do is follow the steps given in this article. Velocity editing is really easy when you understand how to do itit. Just take your video clips, speed them up or slow them down when you want more impact. You’ll be adding Hollywood flair to your videos in no time.

I hope this information will help you get started with velocity editing. Be sure to check out some of the other guides if you want to improve your video editing skills. Have fun, and let me know if you have any other questions!

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