How to Add Stylish Hindi Fonts in Alight Motion | Step By Step Guide 2024

Stylish हिंदी Fonts in Alight Motion
Stylish हिंदी Fonts in Alight Motion

Text addition is a crucial component of video editing. Text can add comprehensibility, charm, and appeal to your videos. You must have seen other people’s films with chic Hindi text and wondered how you could incorporate it into your own. However, you might not know how to incorporate fashionable Hindi text into your videos using Alight Motion. In this tutorial, we will guide you on how you can add stylish Hindi fonts to your videos and projects, by using Alight Motion.

Adding Stylish Hindi Fonts Using Alight Motion

It’s very easy to add fashionable Hindi fonts to Alight Motion. Stylish Hindi fonts in Alight Motion allow you to add fashionable Hindi text to your videos and shows, including titles, chapter names, character names, and much more. Alight Motion is a feature-rich, up-to-date application with over 2000 pre-installed font styles. However, these styles are limited to English fonts. By switching the keyboard’s input language, you can add basic Hindi text in alight motion, but you are unable to make it look elegant. It is necessary to download the fashionable Hindi fonts before you can style your text.

The steps listed below can be used to add fashionable Hindi fonts to Alight Motion.

Download Stylish Hindi Fonts

First, you need to download the stylish Hindi fonts. You can get thousands of websites that are providing amazing Hindi fonts for free; you just need to download the font files. You are free to choose and download the font file of your choice. Your phone will start to download a zip file.

You can also get tons of apps on the Play Store providing Hindi fonts for free. Install any “Hindi fonts” app that you download to your phone. Open the app and select the desired fonts that you would like to use in your Alight Motion project. Download the font file from this app. A zip file of fonts will be downloaded to your phone.

Some of the most popular and stylish fonts are given below.

  • Kruti Dev
  • Devanagari
  • Arjun
  • Himalaya
  • Agra
  • Fontasy Himali

After downloading, extract the fonts zip file.

The zip file containing the Hindi fonts you wanted has now been downloaded. It is not possible to import the zip file straight into Alight Motion. First, we must extract/unzip the zip file. There is already a built-in zip file extractor feature on new phones.

  • Locate the downloaded zip file by going to Files/File Manager.
  • It will prompt you to extract the file when you tap on it.
  • The font file will be extracted when you tap “Extract.”
  • Proceed to search your files for the extracted fonts file. The font file can be identified by its.ttf file extension.
  • Recall the file location you’ll need for the following action.

If the zip file extraction feature on your phone isn’t working, you can look up “Zip file extractor” in the Play Store. To extract the fonts zip file, download and install any zip file extractor application.

Add Hindi Fonts to Alight Motion

Importing fashionable Hindi fonts into Alight Motion is the next step in adding them to the application. Take note of the instructions below and open the Alight Motion Mod APK.

Add Hindi Fonts to Alight Motion
  • Open an existing project or start a new one.
  • After selecting the “Text” option, tap the “+” icon.
  • In the upper left corner, tap the name of the font, and then tap “View All Fonts.” It will open with a list of every font.
  • After tapping on the three lines in the top left corner, choose “Import Fonts.”
  • Locate and pick the extracted font file that was downloaded, containing a “.ttf” file extension.
  • After being imported, the font will appear in the fonts list in Alight Motion.

Set up the Hindi Font Conversion App

We now need to install a Hindi font converter app from the Play Store after downloading the chic fonts and importing them into the Alight Motion app.

  • Look for the “Marathi Hindi Font Converter” app in the Play Store. Install this app on your phone after downloading it.
  • Select the same font name that you downloaded and imported into Alight Motion when you launch the application.
  • In alight motion, type the desired text. The other text box will display the converted text. Paste the converted text into the text input box of the alight motion after copying it.

Utilize and Add Hindi Fonts to Your Alight Motion Project

You’ve now finished the entire process of adding fashionable Hindi fonts to Alight Motion. You can follow this order to use fashionable Hindi fonts in your alight motion projects.

  • Select the font you imported into Alight Motion when you launch the Hindi Font Converter app. Type your text in Hindi, then copy the resultant text.
  • Copy the text from the Fonts Converter app and paste it into the text box in your Alight Motion project. It will show up as plain text.
  • To add style to your Hindi text, choose the imported Hindi font from the fonts list.
Stylish Hindi Fonts
  • Return to your project timeline, choose the Hindi text layer, and you will see the layer’s editing options where you can edit the text’s color, shadow, border, and position, as well as add keyframe animations.

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